How to create your own PSP theme

12 06 2010

Well, there are so many sites explaining about this actually, but despite that, I’ll write it anyway. Some people (like me) love to change their PSP theme once in a while (in my case, it’s once in three days…lol). So, why don’t we try making our own PSP theme. It’s kinda cool, isn’t it? having our own PSP theme and all…okay, here’s the tutorial.

First, you need to have a software called Custom Theme Converter. I downloaded it from, but I can’t put the link here cuz I didn’t remember to save it. Well, anyways, just try to google it or try searching on the site I mentioned.

After you’ve extracted the software, run it and you’ll see this window.

Remember, you MUST fill in everything for the theme to work.

Click on the next Tab (Wallpaper)

Click the icon that looks like an open folder and browse for your favorite image that you want to use as a wallpaper whenever you apply this theme to your PSP.

The next few tabs are very easy. You can change the icon on your PSP by customizing these tabs (Category Icons, First Level Icons, and Second Level Icons). Remember, you must choose an image which has the required properties (pixels, sizes, and all). On the last tab, we have this window:

Browse the image for your Preview Icon and Preview Image (also needs several properties). I prefer to edit the images using Adobe Photoshop since that software allows us to change some properties as well. When you’ve filled all of the required fields, feel free to click File and choose Export. Choose the folder where you want to put the exported file (.ptf) and click OK. Your own PSP theme is ready to be used.

Well, I hope that explains everything, but if something isn’t clear enough, feel free to put a comment and ask me about it.

Till next time 🙂

My favorite poem

12 06 2010

Thinking of you, wherever you are

We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend

Now I will step forward to realize this wish

And who knows, starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun.

There are so many worlds

but they share the same sky

one sky, one destiny.

I just joined…:)

11 06 2010

I just joined this blogging site, I really don’t know what to write, but I guess I’ll write about something anyway…lol…

you know, there’s this game I really like, but I can’t play it cuz it’s in both PS3 and X360 (and I have neither of them sadly). Here’s the preview…

it’s kinda cool, huh?

I really hope that this game will be released on PC, although currently there’s no information on that…:)

Anyway, I have this blog about a fanfiction of Persona (like the one on PS2). It’s on I don’t know if it’s good or not, so if anyone feel like it, you can see the fanfiction for yourself and add some comments. I haven’t written for quite a while know, but I’m thinking of continuing the story…

ok, till next time 😀